Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Happiest Place on Earth!
My cute nephew, Jayce.
Dillon got picked to do Jedi Training again. (Another thing he was scared to do in November). I don't want to brag or anything, but he was able to fight Darth Vader and graduate with honors from the Training Academy. We are so proud of his Jedi Training. I am sure it will come in handy when he gets older.
Jedis in training. Notice Dillon is the ONLY one wearing the hood! This must be the reason that he graduated with honors :)I told Dillon to do rabbit ears behind his Dad's head and I guess his rabbit only has 1 ear! Poor thing must have lost the other one in a hunting accident.
Most kids go to Disneyland for the rides, Danny goes for a bath. He loved sticking his head on this ball and getting it all wet.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treat
Halloween Party
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Girls weekend!
IKEA and
This is Brooke - my friend Liz's daughter. Isn't she the cutest thing in the world? I was trying to figure out how to take her home without Liz knowing.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Look what Daniel can do!
Well, last week Daniel started getting out of his crib! It has been a nightmare. He gets out about 20 times and we just keep putting him back in. He hasn't had a nap since last Friday and I am starting to get worried that he will stop taking one. I am thinking that tomorrow we will try the pack and play and see if he stays in that. Last night, it took us 1 and 1/2 hours to get him to go to sleep. He just gets out and wants to play. We tried taking away his blankie and all of his toys that he insists on sleeping with - he just doesn't care. So, if anyone has any advice, please let me know what has worked for you. I am thinking that maybe we will just put him in a big boy bed because then when I tell him to go back to bed, he will be able to get into it!
Update: I just went into the family room to find this:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Brandon!
September is a busy month for birthdays in my family. Brandon had a great birthday this year. For Father's Day he got a smoker that he has been reading about for 2 years. We decided since it was a little bit more money than we usually spend on Father's Day that it would be for his birthday as well. He was more than happy to accept that. We did give him a movie, a CD and a couple of other things that he loves. His mom even made him a cover for his smoker. Since Father's Day we have had some delicious food because of that present. Brandon is an awesome cook and we love it when he tries his new recipes out on us.
Brandon is such a great husband and father. His boys love him so much and already want to be just like him. He has such a big heart (don't tell him I told you that!) He is really funny and we have a lot of fun together even after all this time. We were able to go out to dinner on his birthday to one of our favorite restaurants - Flemings. It was so much fun to celebrate together. We are having a family dinner with his family on Sunday so the boys will be able to have birthday cake with him that night.
Happy Birthday honey! Love you even more this year than last.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom!
My mom is one of the greatest human beings I have ever met. She is so much fun to be around. I talk to her about 20 times a day and I don't know what I would do without her. She loves me unconditionally and always has. She gives me great advice but she is also a great listener. I am so happy that she was able to be here for us to help celebrate her big day. We love you Mom! Come back soon!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
New pictures
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Daniel and Legoland!
Entrance to Legoland!
Viva Las Vegas!
They had so many fun rides for the kids. The only problem is, they had to have an adult with them which meant that Brandon and I got to go on all of the rides as well!
They had slides and playgrounds all over for the kids to play on.
As you can imagine, there are a lot of things built out of legos. These are a few of our favorites.
Thomas the Tank Engine
Indiana Jones
An elephant. Loving this Halloween display!
Darth vs. Dillon
Darth vs. Danny
We had a great day there. We stayed for about 10 hours and were very ready to go home and rest our feet.
Daniel turned 2 on August 30th. He had a great birthday. He loved opening his presents.
Daniel got some great presents for his second birthday. He got a great Mickey Mouse book and Mickey Mouse placemats from Grandma Eagar. He got some money from Grandma Rodgers. He got a frog pool and pool toys from Grandpa and Grandma Fahrni. We gave him some trains, a new backpack and a Mickey Mouse book. This picture is so cute because he was so excited to open every present. He loves trains and Mickey Mouse!
Showing off his new backpack!
We went to the beach for his birthday.
We decided to write some things in the sand.
Dillon loved building castles in the sand. He also liked to throw a big chunk up in the air and practice his karate kicks!
Birthday boy!
Danny wasn't too sure about the ocean. He got knocked down by a wave and decided to just relax in this man made swimming hole right on the beach!
There were a lot of people fishing from the pier. This is just one of the catches we saw!
Daniel and Daddy walking on the Oceanside Pier.
Happy family, happy times!